Home from College

Home from College: Reconnecting With Your Young Adult at Christmas By Amanda Salmon This Christmas was our first time having a child return home from college. I did not give much thought to what this might require other than making lots of plans to do Christmas activities like usual for our family. I very quickly found myself living in a place of disappointment because things were not happening as I expected. I thought I was prepared since I checked in with her a couple of weeks before her return about what activities she’d like to join (i.e. our family tradition of decorating a Christmas tree followed by watching a Christmas movie), but I’m learning again that things don’t always go according to plan. In anticipation of her arrival, my younger daughter and I found three [...]

Home from College2023-12-21T09:47:35-07:00

Purses with Holes

Pastor Clint shares from Haggai 1 how the people of God can get their priorities mixed up. The prophet reminds the people of the beauty and blessing that comes when we put God first! Listen to the Sermon audio: Register for upcoming events Give online to Parkside Get email updates from Parkside Like us on Facebook Previous Sermons

Purses with Holes2023-08-01T09:32:34-07:00
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