Date: October 6, 2019 Text: Jonah 3:1-10 (ESV) Speaker: Clint Nelson God loves to use washed up people to do Gospel things. A humble and obedient follower can be used by God in big ways!
Date: October 6, 2019 Text: Jonah 3:1-10 (ESV) Speaker: Clint Nelson God loves to use washed up people to do Gospel things. A humble and obedient follower can be used by God in big ways!
Date: March 3, 2019 Text: Daniel 6:1-28 Speaker: Clint Nelson Daniel reminds that a life faith means we don't play by the games and rules of this world. The way we live becomes a witness to the greatness and goodness of our God and sometimes an irritation those that want us to worship their gods instead.
Date: November 4, 2018 Text: Matthew 9:35-38 Speaker: Clint Nelson We live in one of the fastest growing cities in BC, yet very few of our neighbours put their hope in Jesus. Pastor Clint repeats Christ's call to pray, see our city with compassion, and be moved to Kingdom labour as led by the Spirit of God.
Date: January 28, 2018 Text: Matthew 5:14-16 Speaker: Renee Pringle You were made for this! Listen as Renee encourages us allow the light of Christ shine through us.
Date: December 3, 2017 Text: Luke 2:1-20 Speaker: Catherine Dagneau Catherine looks to the real first Christmas, its added traditions, and its implications for us today. You'll leave saying, "I love, Christmas. Christmas changed my life!"
Date: September 10, 2017 Scripture: 1 Cor. 11:23a Speaker: Clint Nelson We exist to CONTINUE the ministry of Jesus in our homes, church, city and world. What does it mean to continue the ministry of Jesus? The second part of the sermon has to do with a unique idea for Parksiders to consider of whether or not we add a second Sunday morning service.
Rev. 5:4-10 / What does it mean that we are a ransomed people, a kingdom and priests of God, and that we will reign with Christ? What does that look like in the here and now?
Rev. 3:7-13 / After correcting a large church with a great reputation, Jesus sends a message to the little church in Philadelphia to keep up the good work. Jesus commends their faithfulness to the Word, His name, and their efforts in the city. Catherine asks the question, what can we learn from this church?
© 2023. Parkside Church. A Foursquare Gospel Church of Canada.