For over 20 years, Peter & Geri Scazerro have been leading people through this course they developed with real people in their church in New York. Emotionally Healthy Spirituality An 8-week course introducing people to a transformative spirituality with God. In this course, you’ll learn how to slow down your life and develop a personal relationship with Jesus. Discover how to: Confront the Crisis of Emotionally Unhealthy Spirituality Know and Become Your Authentic Self in Christ Discover How Your Family of Origin Affects You Today Find Your Way Through "Walls" to Grow into Maturity Enlarge Your Soul Through Embracing Grief and Loss Integrate Silence and Sabbath to Slow Down for Jesus Grow Into an Emotionally Healthy Adult Design a Lifelong Plan to Live in God's Love Next offering: Tuesday [...]



Join Chad and team as they lead us in worship. Pastor Clint shares a message from 1 Peter 2:18-25. LINKS FROM TODAY'S SERVICE Connect with us! Give online to Parkside Get email updates from Parkside Like us on Facebook FOR KIDS Parents! Please join our Facebook group, "Parkside Kids" here. If you don't have Facebook, please email ali@parksidechurch.ca to get on our Parent email list. RECENT SERMONS Listen to the sermon audio below...

OCTOBER 2 SERVICE2022-10-02T13:57:40-07:00


Join us for Vision Sunday as Derek and team lead worship and Pastor Clint shares a word. LINKS FROM TODAY'S SERVICE Need help during COVID-19? Give online to Parkside Get email updates from Parkside Like us on Facebook FOR KIDS Parents! We have a new way of delivering our weekly curriculum. It arrives early every Sunday morning to your email inbox. To get on our list, SUBSCRIBE HERE! RECENT SERMONS

JANUARY 23 SERVICE2022-01-29T17:23:20-07:00


Join Chad and team in worship and hear a word from Pastor Clint. LINKS FROM TODAY'S SERVICE Need help during COVID-19? Give online to Parkside Get email updates from Parkside Like us on Facebook FOR KIDS Parents! We have a new way of delivering our weekly curriculum. It arrives early every Sunday morning to your email inbox. To get on our list, SUBSCRIBE HERE! RECENT SERMONS

SEPTEMBER 12 SERVICE2021-09-12T13:07:01-07:00


Join Pastor Clint in Exodus, Chad Raible and team in song and Miss Ali for a Children's Ministry update! LINKS FROM TODAY'S SERVICE Need help during COVID-19? Give online to Parkside Get email updates from Parkside Like us on Facebook FOR KIDS Parents! We have a new way of delivering our weekly curriculum. It arrives early every Sunday morning to your email inbox. To get on our list, SUBSCRIBE HERE! RECENT SERMONS

FEBRUARY 7 ONLINE SERVICE2021-02-05T13:36:52-07:00


Date: June 23, 2019 Text: 1 Timothy 2:8-10 Speaker: Clint Nelson We don’t like it when God touches a part of our life that we don’t want to surrender. We tend to run to the truths that we like and tip toe around the ones we don't. There were lots of areas in a church in Ephesus that God wanted to touch – right down to moments of anger and the clothes they wore. The same inconvenient truths face us. How will we respond?

AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH2019-06-26T13:53:13-07:00


Text: Matthew 28:1-7 Date: April 1, 2018 Speaker: Clint Nelson Take your hands off your life (die to self) and let Jesus hold you (resurrect you). That is the way of salvation - the way to life in Him and with Him forevermore.

DIE AND LIVE2018-04-03T12:42:29-07:00
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