Empower Ministers Retreat
Empower Ministers Retreat “...you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of [...]
Micro Campus at Parkside
Parkside is a micro campus of Pacific Life Bible College (www.pacificlife.edu) and will start with offering a Bible college course each semester at Parkside. SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN BELIEFS (Lectures by Dr. Ken Deeks) 12 weeks [...]
Offering for New Chairs
Our current burgundy chairs -- that make brides shudder -- are riddled with broken welds, mismatched fabrics, protruding screws, worn padding, rips, and 40 years of butt dust. They’ve served us well. But [...]
Stations of the Cross Video
Parksider, Rod Fitzpatrick, created this "Stations of the Cross" video to minister the love and power of Christ to others. Register for upcoming events Give online to Parkside [...]
Our Next “Hearing God” Course
Did you know that once a year we run a 6-week course called “Hearing God”? It’s a core discipleship experience for every Parksider. If you have ever wondered if God still speaks today [...]
Celebration of Life – Ron St. Hilaire
Celebration of Life Service for Ron St. Hilaire (March 9, 2024) Recent Sermons