For over 20 years, Peter & Geri Scazerro have been leading people through this course they developed with real people in their church in New York.

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
An 8-week course introducing people to a transformative spirituality with God.
In this course, you’ll learn how to slow down your life and develop a personal relationship with Jesus. Discover how to:
- Confront the Crisis of Emotionally Unhealthy Spirituality
- Know and Become Your Authentic Self in Christ
- Discover How Your Family of Origin Affects You Today
- Find Your Way Through “Walls” to Grow into Maturity
- Enlarge Your Soul Through Embracing Grief and Loss
- Integrate Silence and Sabbath to Slow Down for Jesus
- Grow Into an Emotionally Healthy Adult
- Design a Lifelong Plan to Live in God’s Love
Next offering: Tuesday evenings starting April 4, 2023 (7-9pm); Cost is $50 (includes three books).