Christmas at Parkside

Join us this Christmas season for a number of special events!

Advent Sundays
Join us on December 1, 8, 15, and 22 for our Advent series as we count down the days to the Christmas. Each service at 9:00am & 10:45am includes lighting a candle on the advent wreath, singing a carol, hearing a testimony and a message on the arrival of Jesus that first Christmas.

Kids Christmas Presentation
Join us in both services (9:00am & 10:45am) on December 22nd as our kids will present a few special Christmas numbers.

Ukelele Carols Sing-a-long Night
The Mission Ukelele Circle will lead us in a fun evening of familiar Christmas favourites on Friday, December 20, 7:00pm.

Candlelight Christmas Eve Services
Join us at 4:30pm or 6:00pm for a short Christmas Eve service filled with carols, Scripture reading, candle lighting, a short message, and a closing congregational candle-lit song.

Free Gift Sunday
The last Sunday of 2024! We will have one service at 10:00am. At the end of the service we will give out a small gift to help you grow in your faith in 2025. Limit one per household (while supplies last).

“But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.'” – Luke 2:10

A big thank you the @ylmission work crew! Taking on some yard projects and earning money for summer camp.
A man club morning learning the art of welding.
AGM vibes! Praise God for His faithfulness through 2024.
Spring break is here! And middle school students are all about it.
Wow! Thank you, Parksiders, for showing up and helping Young Life raise almost $75,000 at their annual banquet.
Glow night @ylmission
Monday night lights! Always an encouraging time with these guys.
Preteens wondering if dodgeball will ever be an Olympic sport? They’re ready for it!
Ninja tag and ice cream for middle school students. @ylmission #wyldlife