Rev. 8:1-11:18 / The prayers of the saints brings the Kingdom of Heaven and with it, judgement. Isaac gives an overview of the seven trumpets of judgement and what they mean for us and our world today.
Rev. 8:1-11:18 / The prayers of the saints brings the Kingdom of Heaven and with it, judgement. Isaac gives an overview of the seven trumpets of judgement and what they mean for us and our world today.
Rev. 7:1-17 / An interlude between Rev. 6 & 8 offers perspective to the weary traveller on the road called faith. As we follow Christ, we will have opposition and even persecution. A life of faith is like swimming up stream and can get tiring. Rev. 7 says don't forget, you are sealed and destined for Heaven. Listen to learn more about what it means to be sealed and have our hope in Heaven.
Rev. 6:1-7; 8:1-5 / The church prays. Heaven comes to Earth. Evil lashes back. Christians take the hit and persevere. In the end, we win with Christ. Will we stay in the stands or join the front lines?
Rev. 5:4-10 / What does it mean that we are a ransomed people, a kingdom and priests of God, and that we will reign with Christ? What does that look like in the here and now?
Rev. 5:1-14 / Between us and the One on the throne is our Saviour - not a political, scientific, or military mastermind, but a Lamb standing, as though it had been slain. Isaac walks through this chapter to explain the imagery and its powerful implications for humanity.
Rev. 4 / When one pulls back the curtain on the natural world and sees God in the heavenly realm they are forever changed. Some Christians are afraid to pull back the curtain for fear that there will be no god or a very weak god. John saw and heard God behind the curtain. What did he see and how does can it change our lives today?
Rev. 3:14-22 / Christians with nice homes, nice clothes, and good health often see no real need for God. What does Jesus say, do and offer to these kinds of Christians?
Rev. 3:7-13 / After correcting a large church with a great reputation, Jesus sends a message to the little church in Philadelphia to keep up the good work. Jesus commends their faithfulness to the Word, His name, and their efforts in the city. Catherine asks the question, what can we learn from this church?
Revelation 3:1-6 / The church is Sardis thought some good stuff they did in their past would be good enough to get them into Heaven. Turns out, faith in Jesus’ good works looks like an actual committed relationship with Him as connected, led and powered by the Spirit of God.
Rev. 2:18-29 / Our feet follow our eyes. Our eyes look to go where it’s easiest on the feet. Yet when we follow Jesus, His path isn’t easy. The great lie of this life is that we can choose our own path and still end up where Jesus is going. Jesus reminds the church to look at Him and hold on to Him because He is the truth, the way and the life.
© 2023. Parkside Church. A Foursquare Gospel Church of Canada.