Catherine shares good news for those facing bad news.
Catherine shares good news for those facing bad news.
Pastor Tom shares a message about the body of Christ from various texts!
March 10, 2019 Daniel 7:1-28 (ESV) Speaker: Clint Nelson Daniel was given a vision that helps us see our world and future differently. His vision – at first, confusing to 21st century readers – is an encouraging and informative for our daily lives.
Date: March 3, 2019 Text: Daniel 6:1-28 Speaker: Clint Nelson Daniel reminds that a life faith means we don't play by the games and rules of this world. The way we live becomes a witness to the greatness and goodness of our God and sometimes an irritation those that want us to worship their gods instead.
Date: February 24, 2019 Text: Daniel 5:1-31 Speaker: Catherine Dagneau The writing is on the wall: our days are numbered; we will be weighed and found wanting; and what we've built will be in vain. Listen for the way to salvation and hope.
Date: February 10, 2019 Text: Daniel 4:1-37 Speaker: Clint Nelson This life is but one big opportunity to respond to the witness of God in mercies and pain. Have you made Jesus the Lord of your life or are you just playing church?
Date: February 3, 2019 Text: Daniel 3:1-30 Speaker: Clint Nelson Evil uses threats of death to erode our faith, but God reminds us that He is with us and for us - not even death can have the last word when we yield our lives to God.
Date: January 27, 2019 Text: Daniel 2:31-49 Speaker: Catherine Dagneau God has a master plan that is rock solid and His followers are safe and secure for all of eternity.
Date: January 20, 2019 Text: Daniel 2:1-30 Speaker: Clint Nelson When faced with a life-threatening circumstance, Daniel modeled faithfulness in a God that knows the future.
Date: January 13, 2019 Text: Daniel 1 Speaker: Clint Nelson Like Daniel, we find ourselves living in a world that serves other gods and demands we serve those same gods. Daniel provides inspiration and insight to a way forward - faithfulness is possible in Babylon! Watch the Daniel intro video first (see below):
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