In light of recent flood events, here are some ways we can love our neighbour: Pray for wisdom in how to respond. Pray for the needs of the displaced and front line workers; Give food and other items needed to Archway FoodBank in Abbotsford (find out more at archway.ca); Donate funds to the Abbotsford Disaster Relief Fund or verified GoFundMe’s or established local charities helping out; Join the “FV Flood Help” Facebook Group to see immediate and local needs as they are posted (please use extra discretion when connecting with people you don’t know); Watch the news each day to be updated on events and how to help (as needs change each day/week); and Don’t hoard! We’ve also reached out to our sister church in Princeton, BC to see how we can help them and those they serve. [...]

FLOOD RESPONSE2021-11-18T14:09:05-07:00


We are asking local residents and businesses to make a gingerbread house of a Mission building or landmark and enter it into a contest and open house hosted in our building. All the entries will be staged to make up a gingerbread version of our city. The public is welcome to come and see (December 16-19th; 6:00-9:00pm). Covid safety protocols will be followed (i.e. vaxx passports). Admission will be by donation (all proceeds will go to the Mission Christmas Bureau). Application entries are due December 5th (find registration link at https://pc.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1069446) and the house must be delivered to us by December 12th. If you have any questions, please contact event administrator, Renee Pringle (renee@parksidechurch.ca or 604-820-0718).

GINGERBREAD MISSION2021-11-09T16:08:48-07:00


We are back! July 1st BC Health Order: “No capacity limits or restrictions on religious gatherings and worship services.” Masks are recommended but not required. Singing is allowed. Social distancing is not required. Online streaming will remain available. Kids program (K-6) available right away, but younger ages will take a couple more weeks. No registration required… just show up like the old days (but stay home if sick). Our auditorium has A/C! We start this Sunday at 10am! Praise God!

WE’RE BACK2021-06-30T11:53:11-07:00


In addition to the pandemic there is an ongoing crisis in Myanmar. Their national military led a coup after an election and has been using extreme violence in an effort to silence peaceful protestors. This has led to many devastating things in the lives of the people living there including a food shortage. Watch a Global News clip from March 4, 2021 to get caught up (graphic content): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2Qs7IfepBw In addition to praying for peace, you may be able to help give to relief efforts. United Nations Food Program: https://www.wfp.org/countries/myanmar (click donate) US Foursquare Disaster Relief Fund - Myanmar: https://www.foursquare.org/get-involved/relief/ (click donated to FDR) Seeds of Hope's "Precious Gems Children's Home" in Myanmar: https://seedsofhopecm.com/our-projects/precious-gems-childrens-home/ Thank you for praying and giving as God leads you!

PRAY FOR MYANMAR2021-04-23T11:49:53-07:00


Parkside Family, Please join me in praising God for an answer to prayer. Please join me in welcoming Hannah Lambert to a new position in our church family as our Youth Ministry Director. A couple months ago, Hannah was working at her job catching chickens when visions for the future of our youth began to well up within. In those visions she saw herself leading our youth in the things of God. Yet just as quickly as God dropped these dreams in her heart, she dismissed them with the thought, “That will never happen, I’m not leading youth.” The next day, Chris Kim announced to the youth leaders that he was resigning. After discussions and prayer with our Pastors, Elders, Council and youth leaders, we believe the right ordering of our church family is to appoint Hannah to [...]

WELCOME, HANNAH!2020-12-02T20:00:30-07:00


Dear Parkside, Diane Kim is retiring from leading our Children’s Ministry. 25 years ago, the Kim family helped plant our church and Diane has been serving our kids just about every single week since. Wow! Diane’s love and commitment to our church and children are unparalleled. Her sacrifice and investment have produced in many of our lives a deeper love for Jesus and His kids. Well done! What started out with just a few kids grew (pre-covid) to empowering 30 volunteers ministering to an average of 60 children each week. On Tuesday, September 29th at our "Tuesday Night Live Campfire" service we are going to honour Diane and distribute the video via our Campfire and Online services. We are also planning a special kids event on Saturday, October 31st (1-3pm) where kids can have some fun and thank [...]

MRS. KIM IS RETIRING2020-09-24T16:10:20-07:00


What is it? During this season of COVID we're gathering for a weekly service in smaller groups in homes, backyards and at the church building. Each Campfire service is led by a Parkside host and includes a mix of in-person ministry and Parkside video (i.e. worship and the message). Why? We're doing this so that EVERY Parksider can gather in-person EVERY week. Because when we gather and yield our lives to Jesus, His Word, and Spirit in living in us and one another, we grow in our faith, hope and love! And that glorifies God! How? Each week we'll publish an updated listing of Campfire churches. We'd like you to "request to join" a specific Campfire that you and your household can attend each week. Most Campfires are sign-up once and you're good to attend that same [...]

CAMPFIRE CHURCH2020-09-24T16:49:12-07:00


An eight-month program (September - April) for emerging church leaders designed to grow your character, knowledge and skill in the ministry of Jesus. Participants will serve and connect with the church on a deeper level, be mentored, walk closer with Jesus, learn more about the Bible, earn academic credit towards a degree with Pacific Life Bible College, join a missions trip and more! Internship details (PDF) Apply to be an Intern Questions? Contact Pastor Clint (clint@parksidechurch.ca) or Pastor Renee (renee@parksidechurch.ca)



All meetings are currently canceled until further notice. WEEKLY ONLINE SERVICE SUNDAY AT 9:15AM (available after as well) JOIN OUR FACEBOOK GROUP ASK FOR HELP! Good sources for physical health and financial help: If you live in Mission and think you're infected: https://missioncovidresponse.com/ Information for residents and businesses of Mission: https://www.mission.ca/covid-19/ Health Resources: http://www.bccdc.ca/health-info/diseases-conditions/covid-19 Financial Support for Individuals and Businesses: https://www.canada.ca/en/department-finance/news/2020/03/canadas-covid-19-economic-response-plan-support-for-canadians-and-businesses.html More personal support and help (i.e. you've run out of toilet paper) then ask us for help: https://www.parksidechurch.ca/help What is Parkside doing to help? We've canceled all physical meetings out of love for neighbour and encouraged our members to stay home, obey government protocols, and help our neighbours (in a safe way). We're praying for the welfare of our city and world. This might seem meaningless to some, but we believe there is more to our world [...]

COVID-19 UPDATE2020-03-31T12:12:40-07:00


Parkside is a micro campus of Pacific Life Bible College (www.pacificlife.edu) and is currently offering a Bible college course each semester at Parkside. UNDERSTANDING THE BIBLE (Lectures by Derek Geerlof) 13 weeks starting Tuesday, January 14, 2020 at 7:00-9:00pm BIB 190 - MC (3 credits): This course introduces the tools and methods for Bible research, teaching students to draw from Scripture in order to minister to others. The student will gain specific principles, methodical guidelines, and skills training for study and interpretation of the Bible. Each course is a video lecture with class discussion throughout the night. You can audit the course ($50) plus textbook (optional) or take it for credit ($350) plus textbook. To take the course for credit, you must meet Pacific Life Bible College (PLBC) admission requirements and apply for admission to PLBC as a [...]

UNDERSTANDING THE BIBLE2020-08-17T18:08:12-07:00
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