Micro Campus at Parkside

Parkside is a micro campus of Pacific Life Bible College (www.pacificlife.edu) and will start with offering a Bible college course each semester at Parkside. SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN BELIEFS (Lectures by Dr. Ken Deeks) 12 weeks starting Tuesday, September 10, 2024 at 7:00-9:00pm THS 101 - MC (3 credits): This course introduces students to the basic concept of world views and the importance of understanding a Christian worldview. It covers the basic Christian beliefs that form the basis of a Christian view of the world are then surveyed according to standard theological categories. Each course is a video lecture with class discussion throughout the night. You can audit the course ($50) plus textbook (optional) or take it for credit ($350) plus textbook. To take the course for credit, you must meet Pacific Life Bible College (PLBC) admission requirements and apply [...]

Micro Campus at Parkside2024-08-29T12:29:16-07:00

Offering for New Chairs

Our current burgundy chairs -- that make brides shudder -- are riddled with broken welds, mismatched fabrics, protruding screws, worn padding, rips, and 40 years of butt dust. They’ve served us well. But have you ever considered who paid for the chair that supports you each week? Odds are most of our chairs were paid for by men and women of faith who have since graduated to Heaven! With eyes of faith, they gave and invested in both their own discipleship and the discipleship of those who would follow. Each week our chairs are used by men and women to hear the Gospel and grow in faith and family -- through Sunday mornings, Celebrate Recovery, Set Free! Retreats, Christmas Dessert Nights, and more! Our Church Council has set this year as the year to retire our [...]

Offering for New Chairs2024-06-13T12:58:21-07:00

Our Next “Hearing God” Course

Did you know that once a year we run a 6-week course called “Hearing God”? It’s a core discipleship experience for every Parksider. If you have ever wondered if God still speaks today or how to hear His voice, then we invite you to join us as we dive into what the Bible has to say about it and how we can Biblically discern God’s voice. Starts Tuesday, May 21st (7:00-8:30pm) and costs $30. Register at parksidechurch.ca/hg.

Our Next “Hearing God” Course2024-03-21T12:22:33-07:00

Uganda 2024

Uganda 2024 In August 2024, 15 Parksiders will travel to Uganda to build, fit, and give away wheelchairs and crutches to those in need. All donations to this team's trip are eligible for a year-end tax receipt for income tax purposes. All donations are non-refundable. Should the trip be canceled or the team raises more funds than is needed for this trip, the excess or remaining funds will be put towards future missions teams being sent from Parkside Church. Donate

Uganda 20242024-01-02T13:00:09-07:00

Home from College

Home from College: Reconnecting With Your Young Adult at Christmas By Amanda Salmon This Christmas was our first time having a child return home from college. I did not give much thought to what this might require other than making lots of plans to do Christmas activities like usual for our family. I very quickly found myself living in a place of disappointment because things were not happening as I expected. I thought I was prepared since I checked in with her a couple of weeks before her return about what activities she’d like to join (i.e. our family tradition of decorating a Christmas tree followed by watching a Christmas movie), but I’m learning again that things don’t always go according to plan. In anticipation of her arrival, my younger daughter and I found three [...]

Home from College2023-12-21T09:47:35-07:00

Christmas at Parkside

We often refer to Christmas as the ‘advent’ season since we reflect on the arrival of our Messiah nearly 2,000 years ago! We have a number of opportunities to reflect and celebrate the birth of Christ: Advent Devotional: Draw close to God each day during this season. Pick-up an Advent devotional ($15 from the Welcome Desk). Four Sundays of Advent: Starting December 3rd, we’ll count down the weeks to Christmas looking at the gift of Jesus each week through a different lens. We’ll also introduce an advent wreath and light a new candle each week to represent the light of Christ coming into a dark world. Finally, each service will include a Parkside testimony of what Jesus has meant in their life. Kids Christmas Presentation: In our December 17th service, our Mini Bears, Grade K-3 and Grade 4-6 [...]

Christmas at Parkside2023-11-26T16:26:58-07:00
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