Child/Baby Dedication

Child Dedication “I will take him and present him before the Lord.” 1 SAMUEL 1:22 Thank you for your interest in dedicating your child to God! Why dedicate a child to God? It was a common practice in Scripture: We read in Scripture where it shares that the prophets Samuel and John the Baptist, as well as Jesus, were all dedicated to God as children in the Jewish place of worship. Samuel’s mother, Hannah, declared, “I will take him and present him before the Lord.” (1 Samuel 1:22). Jesus “took the children in his arms, put his hands on them, and blessed them.” (Mark 10:16). It benefits the parents: A child dedication is also a parent dedication. Parents publicly declare their intention to raise their child “in the training and instruction [...]

Child/Baby Dedication2023-07-25T15:23:14-07:00


Gather is the name for our cross-generation women's events (Age 4-100). Our first Gather is a women’s breakfast on Saturday, May 4th at 9:30 a.m. at the church. There will be worship, an all-age panel, pancakes and more. Sign-up is at the Welcome Desk on Sundays. Reserve your spot: $5 for adults (age 12+) and $2 for kids. Questions? Contact Pastor Renee (



Celebrate Recovery “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” MATTHEW 5:6 (NIV) Celebrate Recovery is in Mission! A Christ-centred 12-step program proven to help people find freedom from habits, hang-ups and hurts. > We meet every Wednesday at 7:00pm > Located at Parkside Church (33837 Prentis Ave., Mission, BC) For more information, call Pastor Catherine (778-241-8402) or Eugene (778-240-0955).

CELEBRATE RECOVERY2023-07-07T17:53:15-07:00


*Updated Nov. 21, 2018* Our Kid's Christmas Presentation is set for Sunday, December 16, 2018 at 6:15 p.m. All Ages (Age 2 - Grade 6) There's a New Star in the Sky-Twinkle Twinkle Age 2-K Do You Hear What I Hear? & This Little Light of Mine YouTube link: YouTube link: Grades 1-6 Mary's Boy Child & Go Tell It On the Mountain YouTube link: YouTube link: Questions? Contact Rhonda B. (  

KID’S CHRISTMAS SONGS 20182018-11-21T09:40:23-07:00


Christian parents struggle with Halloween. It's a day where our city celebrates (plays with) evil and death. It proves the blindness and naivety that much of our world has to the reality of Satan/evil (as well as the good side of the spiritual). Like Christmas, it's history and contemporary practice is a melting pot of morphed beliefs and practices. Each person has a unique (tailored or naive) perspective on it and its various traditions. And like Christmas, it can be used for good or bad. (Christmas can be wonderful if you forget about the people that suffered to make your Walmart toy, the impact that toy will have on the planet, the materialism and entitlement we teach our children in that season, and the debt that we incurred from buying it). Don't worry, I still think Christmas is [...]

IS IT A TRICK OR TREAT?2018-09-27T12:02:24-07:00


The Spring semester of our "Kid's Worship Choir" begins on Friday, February 9, 2018 from 3:45-4:45 p.m. in the auditorium. Contact Val Pankratz (604-826-8430) to have your child added to the choir. Below are this semester's songs (available for personal download): Were You There (Song) - MP3 File There is a Redeemer (Song) - MP3 File Fairest Lord Jesus (Song) - MP3 File

KID’S WORSHIP CHOIR2018-02-06T17:04:00-07:00


The Bible was written over thousands of years, by different people, from different cultures, in different genres, so it’s not always easy to read, but when we put in the work you see the miracle of Scripture - it’s as though there is one author orchestrating the whole thing! It’s not just one prophet who had a vision and we’re all supposed to take their word for it, it’s multiple prophets and apostles over many generations that all share the same truth backed up by historical events, none more miraculous than the death and resurrection of Jesus! But, wait! There’s more! When we put in the work of reading to understand and seeking a relationship with God, the Word becomes alive and active by God's Spirit! The Word & Spirit illuminates your heart to see the beauty, wisdom [...]

BIBLE READING2017-12-29T10:46:06-07:00

Our Vision for Parkside’s Kids

We exist to train our children in the ministry of Jesus. “We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the LORD, about his power and his mighty wonders.” PSALM 78:4 (NLT) Our children will have a personal relationship with Jesus. Every child will.... See their teachers live the faith; hear and be invited to receive the Gospel; Know that God’s Spirit lives in His kids; Know that following Jesus is a life of faith; Know that we are to become more like Jesus; Know that God’s will is good; Know that God is holy and gracious; and Know the love of God. Our children will know they are loved by their church family. Every child will... See their teachers love them; Know that they have a lot of adults in [...]

Our Vision for Parkside’s Kids2017-10-26T14:38:50-07:00


The issue of how to care for children while pursuing career has been with us for many decades. We know what parents prefer: 76% of Canadians believe it is best for children under six to be at home with at least one parent. If parents cannot be home, they prefer options closest to the home environment, starting with relatives, then a neighbourhood home daycare, followed by other arrangements. The last choice for their children is centre-based daycare. Yet the same issue remains regardless of what form of care we must use, be it relatives, small neighbourhood daycares, a nanny, family members or centre-based care. How do we successfully pursue and maintain good attachment for small children? What does good attachment even mean? This article offers suggestions in response to these questions. READ THE REST OF THE ARTICLE:

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