It's something that I don't talk enough about in our gatherings probably because it's not that much fun. Add in a cultural disdain for organized religion and things like "org charts" and denominational news are often met with glazed over eyes and/or a skeptical heart. And yet, it's all Biblical and critical to who we are and what what we are called to do. Just as our skeleton is critical to the healthy function of our bodies, so too is organism organization. For a church is more like an organism than an organization, but even organisms require design and structure to function. Our church is a living body in submission to the mind and heart of Jesus. He directs us by His Word and animates us by His Spirit. And He calls us to an organized purpose. He calls leaders to [...]

HOW IT ALL CONNECTS2017-01-09T12:42:59-07:00


Here are some parenting hacks I've found helpful and in an effort to "raise all boats" I pass them on to you. They aren't for everyone, but they help me. I do better as a parent (emotionally and practically) when my life is organized and things are written down. Having a schedule or list relieves stress and keeps life going at a sustainable pace. I get that for others, schedules and lists only adds stress. So this is only for people, like me, that thrive in formal organization. Plan Spontaneity I've written about this before in my old blog spot, but it bears repeating and I'm still learning how to do this well. Be liberal when it comes to estimating the time a task takes. Schedule your life with margins. I used to have my life scheduled in [...]

PARENT HACKS – EPISODE 0012016-10-14T09:48:07-07:00


Churches always want "your" money because it's a practical component to the work of the church and a practical way to exercise the soul. It's Biblical and it's good. Churches also want your time, talents and faith. Why? Because what we do with our body, time, and money are all soul acts. It's why God cares about sex, schedules and "our" stuff. The use of quotes is to reinforce the myth that anything we have is truly ours. Even our bodies are His (He made us and then redeemed us). The notion that our stuff is ours is foolish at best and costly in reality. Everything we are and have is given to us by God - we are blessed to be a blessing - and we are blessed when we become a blessing (though that isn't our motivation, rather a result [...]

IF ALL THAT I AM AND HAVE IS FROM GOD THEN?2016-09-07T12:32:22-07:00


Spiritual health, like physical health, doesn’t come naturally or easily. Spiritual health is the foundation for health - health here will make it easier to be healthier in every other area of life. Dissatisfaction of the present state, healthy motives, a good plan, a Heavenly reward, and accountability are all needed. Where is the Spirit and Word of God leading you this fall? Who is going to help you get there? Here are three essential ingredients every Christian should have in their spiritual pantry: #1: DAILY TIME WITH GOD Set a time each day to engage God in His Word - to pray and ponder the things of the Word and Spirit. I know this sounds crazy to people living in 2016, but I find 45-75 minutes in the morning to be essential. Like the physical realm - do you [...]



The kids are on the Island and yesterday was my day off so Burg and I headed out into the back forty to explore. Scrambling through brush, over and under logs, trying to avoid devils club. It was hot, even under towering trees. We both arrived at Hayward Lake beat. I jumped into the lake and drank a few gallons while Burg opted for a more conservative approach. Chris and the team from Mexico returned on Wednesday. We had lunch with fellow summer intern, Jesse, to celebrate the end of their nine weeks of full-time employment. Jesse doesn't get out much so he had some troubles with his wardrobe. Both guys worked hard and grew in their calling to serve in ministry leadership. While both return to Pacific Life Bible College this fall, they will continue to serve in our youth [...]

A GOOD WEEK2016-10-14T09:48:07-07:00


This past week I went camping with some good friends. Okay, I stayed in a motel at the campground while my friends roughed it in tent and travel trailers. Over the course of the week, but especially at our departure, my heart filled with love and gratitude for my friends. It had been a few years since we all got together for more than a meal. Something about busyness and having kids seems to be an obstacle to time with friends. So please stop reading this. Put down your screen and pick up your phone. Call your friend and set a date to get together. If you don't have a friend, make one. The art of friend-making and friend-keeping is a disappearing skill in culture. Take the awkward first step: introduce yourself and ask them to do something together (go to the park with kids, grab [...]

GOOD FRIENDS NEEDED2016-10-14T09:48:07-07:00
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