
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” DEUTERONOMY 6:5 (NIV)

We are in the early stages of developing and implementing “Basecamp”. It is an early youth discipleship path designed to train and equip our youth with the basic knowledge and skills of being a Christian in today’s world.

Grade 6

Starts Fall 2024

Every Sunday during the second service sermon (students are dismissed to the Fireside Room during announcements). It’s 52-week program/curriculum. Commitment to attend regularly and participate in a positive way is required. Cost is $10 per trimester (cost of book and other course expenses). The first year we offer this program, it will be open to Grade 6 & 7 students. It will be offered every year thereafter to Grade 6 students. The curriculum is called “New City Catechism”. Find out more about it here:

Grade 7

Starts Fall 2025

Every OTHER Sunday during the second service sermon. 15-week program (held over 30 weeks during the school year). Commitment to attend regularly and participate in a positive way is required. Cost is $25 to cover the workbook. It will be offered every year to Grade 7 students. “The Story” curriculum looks at the whole story of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation to help students know the Biblical story.

Grade 8

Starts Fall 2026

Every OTHER Sunday during the second service sermon. Over the school year, students will move through three programs: Hearing God (6 weeks); Apologetics (4 weeks); Prayer & Spiritual Warfare (6 weeks). Commitment to attend regularly and participate in a positive way is required. Cost is $50 to cover the workbooks. It will be offered every year to Grade 8 students.

Nicole van Ek-Veenstra
Nicole van Ek-VeenstraGrade 6 Co-Teacher
TBAGrade 6 Co-Teacher