Date: December 22, 2019 As a part of our Advent series, Parksider, Eugene Dagneau, shares how Jesus changed his life!
Date: December 22, 2019 As a part of our Advent series, Parksider, Eugene Dagneau, shares how Jesus changed his life!
Date: December 15, 2019 As a part of our Advent series, Parksider, Diana Radelet, shares how Jesus changed her life!
(First part of recording was cut off due to technical error). Date: December 15, 2019 As a part of our Advent series, Parksider, Darrell Dowedoff, shares how Jesus changed his life!
Parkside is a micro campus of Pacific Life Bible College ( and is currently offering a Bible college course each semester at Parkside. UNDERSTANDING THE BIBLE (Lectures by Derek Geerlof) 13 weeks starting Tuesday, January 14, 2020 at 7:00-9:00pm BIB 190 - MC (3 credits): This course introduces the tools and methods for Bible research, teaching students to draw from Scripture in order to minister to others. The student will gain specific principles, methodical guidelines, and skills training for study and interpretation of the Bible. Each course is a video lecture with class discussion throughout the night. You can audit the course ($50) plus textbook (optional) or take it for credit ($350) plus textbook. To take the course for credit, you must meet Pacific Life Bible College (PLBC) admission requirements and apply for admission to PLBC as a [...]
Date: December 8, 2019 As a part of our Advent series, Parksider, Gary Stevenot, shares how Jesus changed his life!
Date: December 8, 2019 As a part of our Advent series, Parksider, Lynda Vanson, shares how Jesus changed her life!
Date: December 1, 2019 Text: Matthew 28:19 Speaker: Hannah Lambert As a part of our Advent series, Parksider, Hannah Lambert, shares how Jesus changed her life!
Date: December 1, 2019 Text: Ephesians 4:1 Speaker: Jeremy Greene As a part of our Advent series, Parksider, Jeremy Greene, shares how Jesus changed His life!
Child Dedication “I will take him and present him before the Lord.” 1 SAMUEL 1:22 Thank you for your interest in dedicating your child to God! Why dedicate a child to God? It was a common practice in Scripture: We read in Scripture where it shares that the prophets Samuel and John the Baptist, as well as Jesus, were all dedicated to God as children in the Jewish place of worship. Samuel’s mother, Hannah, declared, “I will take him and present him before the Lord.” (1 Samuel 1:22). Jesus “took the children in his arms, put his hands on them, and blessed them.” (Mark 10:16). It benefits the parents: A child dedication is also a parent dedication. Parents publicly declare their intention to raise their child “in the training and instruction [...]
Information for prospective team members: Dream Center LA 2020 Trip details for prospective team members: Team application form: Online donation page (do not put any individual's name on any part of the donation transaction in order to eligible for a tax receipt for income tax purposes): Uganda 2020 Trip details for prospective team members: Team application form: Online donation page (do not put any individual's name on any part of the donation transaction in order to eligible for a tax receipt for income tax purposes):
© 2023. Parkside Church. A Foursquare Gospel Church of Canada.