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So far Communications Desk has created 98 blog entries.

Christmas at Parkside

We often refer to Christmas as the ‘advent’ season since we reflect on the arrival of our Messiah nearly 2,000 years ago! We have a number of opportunities to reflect and celebrate the birth of Christ: Advent Devotional: Draw close to God each day during this season. Pick-up an Advent devotional ($15 from the Welcome Desk). Four Sundays of Advent: Starting December 3rd, we’ll count down the weeks to Christmas looking at the gift of Jesus each week through a different lens. We’ll also introduce an advent wreath and light a new candle each week to represent the light of Christ coming into a dark world. Finally, each service will include a Parkside testimony of what Jesus has meant in their life. Kids Christmas Presentation: In our December 17th service, our Mini Bears, Grade K-3 and Grade 4-6 [...]

Christmas at Parkside2023-11-26T16:26:58-07:00

Unhoused for 24 Hours

Photo from whatsonmission.ca Unhoused for 24 Hours On a hot and muggy Thursday, Pastor Clint joined six other community members in going unhoused for 24 hours as a way to raise funds for the operation of Mission’s new Medical Mobile Unit. The event was organized by Mission Community Services (MCS) and took place at a local emergency shelter nicknamed, “Haven in the Hollow”. Each participant was dropped off at 4:00pm with only the clothes on their back and a small bag for personal toiletries and a water bottle. Phones, money, wallets, and ID were not allowed. The first activity was to be received into the shelter by staff like anyone else by completing the in-take interview (lots of paperwork) followed by an orientation. During the orientation, a few folks from the shelter and current staff [...]

Unhoused for 24 Hours2023-08-20T19:34:55-07:00


Jesus said: “‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’” (Matthew 9:37-38 NIV). For the next four weeks (April 23 - May 21), we're asking Parksiders to set a weekday alarm on their phones for 9:37 (am and/or pm) and to pray Matthew 9:37-38 for our church. To help, please download a phone wallpaper to have this verse at hand :)

A CALL TO PRAY2023-04-21T13:28:50-07:00


With all the changes happening in our youth ministry this Spring and Summer we thought we'd layout all the details for summer camps on one page: Students that need financial assistance are asked to sign-up for fundraising volunteering here. Would you like to donate for kids and youth that would like to go to Summer Camp, but can't afford it? Click here. BC Foursquare Kids Camp Ages: Grades 2-7 Dates: August 21-26, 2023 Location: Stillwood Camp (near Cultus Lake) Cost: $465 (before April 30; $485 after) Registration: https://www.foursquarekidscamp.com/ Parkside Coordinator: ali@parksidechurch.ca Wyld Life Camp Ages: Grades 6-9 Dates: July 17-22, 2023 Location: Rockridge Canyon (near Princeton, BC) Cost: $695 (before April 15; $805 after) Registration: https://camp.younglife.ca/ Parkside Coordinator: renee@parksidechurch.ca BC Foursquare Youth Camp Ages: Grades 8-12 Dates: August 27 - September 1, 2023 Location: Stillwood Camp (near Cultus [...]

SUMMER CAMP 20232023-04-25T09:44:07-07:00


Please note that this is our general public church calendar. Small groups and other ministries/programs may not always post their events on the main calendar. It is best to get on the email list of the specific ministry you are interested in to receive more regular updates. Click on that ministry's page (in the menu above) to find out more.



For over 20 years, Peter & Geri Scazerro have been leading people through this course they developed with real people in their church in New York. Emotionally Healthy Spirituality An 8-week course introducing people to a transformative spirituality with God. In this course, you’ll learn how to slow down your life and develop a personal relationship with Jesus. Discover how to: Confront the Crisis of Emotionally Unhealthy Spirituality Know and Become Your Authentic Self in Christ Discover How Your Family of Origin Affects You Today Find Your Way Through "Walls" to Grow into Maturity Enlarge Your Soul Through Embracing Grief and Loss Integrate Silence and Sabbath to Slow Down for Jesus Grow Into an Emotionally Healthy Adult Design a Lifelong Plan to Live in God's Love Next offering: Tuesday [...]



Alpha is an 11-week course that creates a space in person, where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about life, faith and Jesus. Join us for dinner, watch an engaging presentation then ask questions and share thoughts. We start on Tuesday nights, January 17th at 6:00pm with dinner followed by a video presentation and then discussion. Sign-up Here! Questions? Contact Jason van Ek-Veenstra (jasonvanek@gmail.com or 604-812-8926).



Here are the details for Christmas events at Parkside! November 27 - "Deck the Halls" Women's Christmas Event (click for details) November 27 - 10AM Service (First Sunday of Advent) December 4 - 10AM Service (Second Sunday of Advent & Kid's Performance) December 11 - 10AM Service (Third Sunday of Advent) December 18 - 10AM Service (Fourth Sunday of Advent) December 24 - 6:00PM Christmas Eve Service December 25 - 10AM Christmas Day Service at North Valley Baptist Church January 1 - 10AM Free Gift Sunday

CHRISTMAS AT PARKSIDE2022-11-01T13:22:00-07:00
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