About Catherine Dagneau

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So far Catherine Dagneau has created 53 blog entries.


Join Wilf and team in worship and hear a word from Pastor Catherine. LINKS FROM TODAY'S SERVICE Need help during COVID-19? Give online to Parkside Get email updates from Parkside Like us on Facebook FOR KIDS Parents! We have a new way of delivering our weekly curriculum. It arrives early every Sunday morning to your email inbox. To get on our list, SUBSCRIBE HERE! RECENT SERMONS

DECEMBER 26 SERVICE2021-12-26T12:55:30-07:00


Join Chad and team in worship and hear a word from Pastor Catherine as she kicks off our Advent series, "Peace on Earth" featuring a Parksider testimony. LINKS FROM TODAY'S SERVICE Need help during COVID-19? Give online to Parkside Get email updates from Parkside Like us on Facebook FOR KIDS Parents! We have a new way of delivering our weekly curriculum. It arrives early every Sunday morning to your email inbox. To get on our list, SUBSCRIBE HERE! RECENT SERMONS

NOVEMBER 28 SERVICE2021-11-28T13:24:34-07:00


Join Ron and team in worship and hear a word from Pastor Catherine. LINKS FROM TODAY'S SERVICE Need help during COVID-19? Give online to Parkside Get email updates from Parkside Like us on Facebook FOR KIDS Parents! We have a new way of delivering our weekly curriculum. It arrives early every Sunday morning to your email inbox. To get on our list, SUBSCRIBE HERE! RECENT SERMONS

OCTOBER 24 SERVICE2021-10-31T14:22:40-07:00


Join Wilf and team in worship and hear a word from Pastor Catherine. LINKS FROM TODAY'S SERVICE Need help during COVID-19? Give online to Parkside Get email updates from Parkside Like us on Facebook FOR KIDS Parents! We have a new way of delivering our weekly curriculum. It arrives early every Sunday morning to your email inbox. To get on our list, SUBSCRIBE HERE! RECENT SERMONS

SEPTEMBER 19 SERVICE2021-09-19T11:22:12-07:00


Join the youth band in worship and hear a word from Pastor Catherine in our "One Another" summer series. LINKS FROM TODAY'S SERVICE Need help during COVID-19? Give online to Parkside Get email updates from Parkside Like us on Facebook FOR KIDS Parents! We have a new way of delivering our weekly curriculum. It arrives early every Sunday morning to your email inbox. To get on our list, SUBSCRIBE HERE! RECENT SERMONS

AUGUST 22 SERVICE2021-08-22T11:52:43-07:00


Join Chad and team in worship and Pastor Catherine for a great message and more! LINKS FROM TODAY'S SERVICE Need help during COVID-19? Give online to Parkside Get email updates from Parkside Like us on Facebook FOR KIDS Parents! We have a new way of delivering our weekly curriculum. It arrives early every Sunday morning to your email inbox. To get on our list, SUBSCRIBE HERE! RECENT SERMONS

APRIL 4 ONLINE SERVICE – EASTER SUNDAY2021-04-02T16:24:23-07:00


Pastor Catherine shares from Exodus, Ron and team lead us in worship and we introduce some Canadian Foursquare Missionaries. LINKS FROM TODAY'S SERVICE Need help during COVID-19? Give online to Parkside Get email updates from Parkside Like us on Facebook FOR KIDS Parents! We have a new way of delivering our weekly curriculum. It arrives early every Sunday morning to your email inbox. To get on our list, SUBSCRIBE HERE! RECENT SERMONS

FEBRUARY 28 ONLINE SERVICE2021-02-27T14:38:23-07:00


Join Pastor Catherine in the book of Exodus and the Salmon family and company in worship. Parkside Church. Mission, BC. LINKS FROM TODAY'S SERVICE Need help during COVID-19? Give online to Parkside Get email updates from Parkside Like us on Facebook FOR KIDS Parents! We have a new way of delivering our weekly curriculum. It arrives early every Sunday morning to your email inbox. To get on our list, SUBSCRIBE HERE! RECENT SERMONS

JANUARY 31 ONLINE SERVICE2021-01-28T15:33:52-07:00


Join us for the week of May 24th as we gather online for updates from Michael & Hannah, familiar faces in our virtual lobby, praise with the Salmon’s, and a word from Pastor Clint.  (Music by bensound.com) LINKS FROM TODAY'S SERVICE Need help during COVID-19? Give online to Parkside Get email updates from Parkside Like us on Facebook FOR KIDS Parents! We have a new way of delivering our weekly curriculum. It arrives early every Sunday morning to your email inbox. To get on our list, SUBSCRIBE HERE! RECENT SERMONS

SEPTEMBER 20 SERVICE2020-09-17T16:39:45-07:00


Join us for worship with the Salmon’s, a word from Pastor Catherine and some updates from Pastor Clint. No Zoom Lobby this week. REFLECTIVE QUESTIONS: 1) Do you feel satisfied in life? Why or why not?  2) Where in your week do you see and experience the joy and grace of righteousness with God?  3) Are you at peace with others? Living rightly with others? What is God calling you to? (Music by bensound.com) LINKS FROM TODAY'S SERVICE Need help during COVID-19? Give online to Parkside Get email updates from Parkside Like us on Facebook FOR KIDS Parents! We have a new way of delivering our weekly curriculum. It arrives early every Sunday morning to your email inbox. To get on our list, SUBSCRIBE HERE! RECENT SERMONS [...]

AUGUST 16 SERVICE2020-08-19T12:45:15-07:00
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