Weekly Prayer Guide
Missional Mondays
Pray for a peer (co-worker or classmate) who doesn’t know Jesus. Send them an encouraging text or give them a hug or say something encouraging.
Together Tuesdays
Call up a friend or get together and pray for one another. Be vulnerable and full of love and faith.
Walk Wednesdays
Go for a walk and pray for your neighbours. Be sensitive to what God might put in your heart.
Temple Thursdays
Pray for someone in your church. Write a note of encouragement and bring it to church this Sunday.
Family Fridays
Pray for your family. Ask the Lord to help you think of something nice to do for them or say to them.
Soul Saturdays
Pray for yourself. Take 2 minutes of silence and just breathe (picture Jesus sitting beside you). Journal what’s on your heart to Him.
Sunday Funday
Stop your work. Rest in Him. Worship with your church family. Move slowly through the day and enjoy His creation (i.e. good food, relaxing activity, etc.).
Embody Prayers With Fasting
Start hungering for God. Give up a meal once a week or one day a week and in its place, pray!
If you struggle with praying for longer periods, consider these options:
- Reading the Bible and writing down some thoughts that come to mind.
- Play worship music and sing along.
- Write out what you’d like to see God fix in your life or your world.
Encourage Others by Sharing Your Experiences on our Facebook Group
Request to join our private Facebook Group at parksidechurch/fbgroup. Every day we’ll post a daily reminder of our weekly prayer guide. Encourage others with your experiences!
Gather With Your Church to Pray
By God’s design, when His people get together to pray, more of Heaven happens. Consider getting together with your church family:
Thursday Zoom Prayer
6:05-6:50am (Contact the Office for the link)
Sunday Early Bird Prayer
5:30-6:30am at the Church
Foursquare Canada Prayer
Jan. 10 at 8:00am on Zoom
(Contact the Office for the link)
Prayer Summit
January 26 at 6:30pm at Parkside
Available as an optional extra, Foursquare has created a 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting devotion and prayer guide and a Daily Email subscription. Find out more here.